Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Styles of speaking

So in my house Keara and Padraig are the same type of conversationalists. They can recite verbatim every last word their teachers have uttered. Kai is not. The boy will absolutely drive you nuts telling about his day. He will start with one part and progressively wind through the entire day in some convoluted mashed together mess. I cannot EVER understand ANY one area of his day. I will stop him and say "Uh, Kai explain that!" And the answer is always "I just did!" He *gets* it but the rest of us are clueless. So yesterday when he says "...and I had to go into the office with ______ because the scissors were right here (pointing to his eye), and Mrs. ____ said did he do it or did he." I just kinda started to freak because my dearest Kai is sometimes a little mischievous. But I assumed they would call me if he did anything TOO awful. So I never fully understood the WHOLE story but I guess at least this time my boy was NOT to blame. LOL

Last week Kai did start a small fire. He is going to the fire department to have a talk about fire safety and such. Seriously, if there is a line to cross, Kai will do it. He is ALWAYS looking for the next crazy stunt or some reason to do something wrong! UGH

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fire! Eeek!! Hope the class get through to him and he never does that again. I had a friend whos little boy caught the bed on fire, then the house...