Sunday, February 19, 2006

Oh yeah, I'm still alive

This week has been one that I do not wish to revisit. I have ultimately decided that I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself and just change things. I don't have anything for me and that is the first order of business. I need to find someone or better yet more than one girlfriend that I can hang out with from time to time and just get away. I don't really know how I can do this as of yet but at least I am looking in that direction. It is a sad sad commentary on my life that going to a girlscout event where there are 250 screaming, yapping wild girls makes me feel rejuvenated. See I told ya, it's pretty bleak being me. I started writing again and hope that will help get my creative juices flowing as well. Of course as of yet, I haven't been totally enamored with my creation but it will come. And I write this blog thing in the hopes that maybe ONE person may read....are ya out there, my lone admirer?? It's strange how I read other blogs and feel like I *know* someone (of course I do know some) but in general it's a strange concept, isn't it? I wish I could say I write for myself and who the hell cares if anyone else reads about me, but being just the slightest bit narcissistic, I suppose I do write for others as well. At least I'm honest, HAHAHA!


Misty said...

Just so you know, I check here everyday to see if you've posted anything new!! :)

Refinnej said...

I check at least a couple of times per week!